1. Can you introduce yourself and talk about how you got into photography?

I am Toni. a photographer, graphic designer, illustrator, and amateur musician based in Barcelona, Spain. In 1985 I founded "TR Multistudio", my own graphic design studio.

In 2009 I created "multistudioBOOKS", an independent publishing house specializing in photography, art, graphics, illustration, and poetry. Since 2012 I have managed the artistic legacy of photographer Marcel Gir.

2. Where did you study photography?

I have not studied photography in particular. I studied Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona.

3. Do you remember your first shot? What was it?

I remember my first photograph taken with an intention. It was a closed ice cream stand on a beach, in winter. I shot it with a small Kodak Instamatic camera.

4. What equipment do you use?

Hasselblad 500c for analog. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV for all the rest.

5. What do you hope to achieve?

My only target to achieve with photography is just to simply fulfill my creative needs.

6. What compliment inspired/touched you the most?

It was when the great Catalan artist Pla-Narbona told me that the portrait I did of him was the best one ever done.

7. What inspires your unique storytelling?

Over the years I have learned to look at my surroundings differently. I am inspired by people, but also by a shadow cast on the ground, or by the contrast formed by the branches of a tree against the light of the sky. I am inspired by shapes and light.

8. What THREE (3) words describe your photography style?

Simplicity, Graphic balance, and Emotion.

9. Congratulations! As the winner of the London Photography Awards, what does it mean for you and your team to receive this distinction?

I think my projects have very defined phases. From the first idea to the end. Winning an award is undoubtedly the best way to close a project. Thank you for this opportunity to be an honourable winner of the London Photography Awards.

10. Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the 2024 London Photography Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

The photograph that I have presented is part of a collection of black and white portraits that I made of people linked to culture in the city of Barcelona. I wanted to exhibit this particular portrait also in color because I am interested in the chromatism of the scene, from the skin to the clothes, but especially that ocher light that envelops everything.

11. What advice would you give someone who would like to become a photographer today?

Don't get carried away by fashions and trends. They are short-lived and disappear. Do not condition your work to what this or that person will say. Just believe in what you are doing.

12. What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?

Believe in what you are doing.

13. How do you stay in that space of being receptive to new information and knowledge?

I think this is my natural state. As the great pianist Glenn Gould used to say: "The purpose of art is not the release of a momentary ejection of adrenaline but is, rather, the gradual, lifelong construction of a state of wonder and serenity"

14. Which THREE (3) friends/peers would you nominate to participate in the next London Photography Awards?


Winning Entry




Toni Ricart


London Photography - Portrait